Sewer Collection System
The District owns and operates a Septic Tank Effluent Pump (STEP) system, which means that every building connected to the sewer system has its own septic tank and pump system.
To learn more about how your on-site septic system works, and the maintenance and operation of that system, please review “How Your Septic System Works”.
For commercial and restaurant users, the District has adopted a policy for Best Practices in order to inform users and help eliminate disallowed substances and reduce the amount of Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOGs) from entering the septic tank. Please review the District’s “Best Practices”.
ESWD currently has approximately 750 connections, with 1,100 Residential Equivalent Units (ERUs) connected to the Eastsound Sewer System, and approximately 47 service connections with 80 ERU’s to the Orcas Village Sewer System. For more complete information on how your sewer system operates, please review the “Use of the System” section of the District’s Policy.
System Documents
Application for Connection to the Sewer System
In the sidebar are the forms you will need to make an application for connection to the ESWD sewer system, either new or expansion of existing connection.
You can download and print the forms, fill them out, sign and return them to the District office, or you can visit the District office where staff can provide the forms and help you fill in the information.
Please note that you will need to have your signature notarized on the Septic Tank Facility Easement form. District staff can help you with this as well.